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FSA Market 3244 Grey Hawk Ct. Carlsbad, California


What is a commode?

A commode is a movable toilet that does not use running water. It looks like a chair with a toilet seat and has a bucket or container underneath that is removable for cleaning. A commode is best used when placed beside a bed for a person who is unable to walk safely to the bathroom.

Why use a commode?

A commode may be needed when a person or patient is in bed for most of their time. It can be very useful if a person is weak or unsteady, a commode can be a safer alternative than walking to the bathroom.

How do you use a commode?

Clear a convenient place in the bedroom for the commode and place it there, if there are wheels on the commode, make sure they are locked in place. Check that the bucket/container is properly installed under the seat.

TIP: Add a small amount of water in the container before use. It makes cleaning an easier process.

When the person or patient is ready to use the bathroom, help them out of bed and onto the commode. If needed, use a gait belt to transfer the person. Stay with the person for safety.

TIP: If staying in the room is uncomfortable, step out of the room but stay close. Provide the person with a bell to ring when they are done or need help.

Why use a commode?

  1. Put on a pair of disposable gloves and a disposable apron.
  2. Help the person to stand up and clean them by using toilet tissue, wipes, or soap and water.
  3. Wash the person's hands and help them back into their bed.
  4. Remove the bucket from the commode and empty its contents into the toilet.
  5. Clean the container with a toilet brush, germ-killing cleanser, and water. Rinse well and put the bucket back under the commode. You can even use commode liners to make clean up a little easier.

Remove gloves and apron and dispose of them.

*The ExpressMed team are not medical professionals. The informational contained on this page is meant for educational purposes only

Bariatric Commode Comparison Guide
Outside Width
Seat Width
Seat Depth
Lowest Height
Highest Height
Product Weight
Weight Limit


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